Kae of Kae1Crafts has ever so kindly included my Double Sweet Hearts, White and Red ACEO, in her latest treasury on Etsy:
I'm honored to be included; she puts together the loveliest treasuries, doesn't she?
Kae has a couple of wonderful Etsy shops; take a minute and shop by:
See a close up of Double Sweet Hearts, White and Red.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Artists of Etsy Gallery Treasury
Posted by
6:31 PM
Labels: aceo, etsy, Kae1Crafts
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Artist as an Entrepreneur Institute
Registration for this year's only offering of the Artist as an Entrepreneur Institute (AEI) is now open. AEI is being offered as a three day course, March 13, 14, and 15. It is designed to help individual artists connect with resources that can advance their careers. This year, AEI will take place at the Gallery at Trinity Commons in downtown Cleveland.
This installment also marks the first time CPAC is offering a discount for AEI to members of NEO arts and culture organizations and artist service groups. The regular price of AEI is $150. For those who are eligible for the discount, AEI is being offered at a cost of $100.
To help artists decide if this course is right for them, there will be a free information session on Tuesday, February 17 at 1:30 pm in the COSE Conference Room 2041, the Higbee Building; 100 Public Square, Suite 210, Cleveland.
Read more about AEI on www.cpacbiz.org
Posted by
9:06 PM
Labels: Artist as an Entrepreneur Institute, cpac
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Women's Work
Art of Barbara Gillette, Linda Hutchinson, Linda Tompkin & Laura Wagner
Meet-the-Artists Exhibition Opening
Friday, Jan. 23, 5-7pm
Exhibit runs Jan. 24 - Feb. 28
Free admission & parking
Summit Artspace
Akron Area Arts Alliance
140 E. Market St. - Akron, Ohio 44308
Posted by
10:18 PM
Labels: summit artspace
Friday, January 16, 2009
CPAC News: Launching the Creative Workforce Fellowship!
The latest news from CPAC, the Community Partnership for Arts and Culture:
Attend a workshop
The workshops have been scheduled and the materials have been published for the Creative Workforce Fellowship (CWF). Visit the CWF page for information, for eligibility requirements, to register for one of five workshops, and to download the guidelines, application, and intent to apply form.
Register to attend a CWF workshop online, by email, or by phone.
To register online for a workshop you must be logged in to the CPAC online community. Register for the online community or just log in, then visit the CWF page and click on the workshop you'd like to attend.
To register by email or phone (see contact information below) please provide the date and location you'd like to attend along with all contact information, including name, phone number, email, and mailing address. The CPAC office is open Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm and will be closed on MLK day.
* Tuesday, January 27 - 6:30-7:30 pm
Beck Center for the Arts, Lakewood
* Saturday, January 31 - 9:30-10:30 am
East Cleveland Public Library, East Cleveland
* Saturday, February 7 - 9:30-10:30 am
Pilgrim Congregational Church, Tremont
* Tuesday, February 10 - 6:30-7:30 pm
Cleveland Hts. Public Library, Cleveland Hts.
* Saturday, February 14 - 9:30-10:30 am
Baldwin-Wallace College, Strosacker Hall College Union, Sandstone III, Berea
If you have any questions visit www.cpacbiz.org and click on Creative Workforce Fellowship (CWF) or contact Valerie Schumacher at vls@cpacbiz.org or 216.575.0331 x128.
Posted by
9:35 PM
Labels: cpac
Vote for Cleveland in the Top 25 Arts Destinations
Vote For Your Favorite U.S. Cities for Contemporary Art
AmericanStyle Magazine
Vote by January 31, 2009
Go directly to the poll or visit www.AmericanStyle.com.
Posted by
9:00 AM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
View "The Colors of our Soul" at Cuyahoga Falls Library in February
Akron artist/photographer Cari Miller will be showing "The Colors of our Soul", a collection of 26 color photos, at the Cuyahoga Falls Library, 2015 Third Street, during the month of February. Miller will be donating $2 from each sale to the American Heart Association.
Miller, a member of the Artists of Rubber City, has spent the last 20+ years working in Northeast Ohio as an award-winning photographer, editor, writer, graphic designer and artist. A degree in communications from the University of Akron and post-baccalaureate studies at the Mary Schiller School of Art have allowed Miller to work for employers as diverse as the Hudson Hub-Times, the Akron Public Schools and Crain Communications' Plastics News.
Last May, Miller showed 25 of her bold, colorful paintings at the library. This time, she turns the focus to her photography.
"'The Colors of our Soul'" is a collection of photos taken from locations as diverse as Albuquerque, N.M.; Edinburgh, Scotland; Portland, Oregon; and Baltimore, Maryland," Miller explains. "But except for a few of the photos, you'd be hard-pressed to identify where they were taken."
Miller continues, "I don't want the viewer to focus on where the photo was taken, but instead on what the photographs reveal about our souls -- feelings like joy and heartache and friendship."
Miller also has six paintings on display at "Room with a View" (8th floor of the Ohio Building) in Akron until the end of April. For more information on her work or her 2009 exhibit schedule, visit www.sunthingspecial.com.
Posted by
10:35 PM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Cabin Fever Art Fair Seeking Vendors
January 17-18 Event at Lock 3
The City of Akron will once again sponsor this heated tent and commons area with artist and artisan spaces, children's activities, food, skating, live music and free parking. They are seeking artist vendors for this event. Space is FREE but limited. To apply, send a photo of sample work, list of items for sale, electrical needs (if any) and contact info to toddv@toddv.com or call Suzie Graham (330 375 2877).
Posted by
10:33 PM
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Another ACEO A Go Go! Treasury
Miriam of Juneblue had so much fun putting together her last treasury, that she did another, bless her heart! Take a look before it expires on Jan. 9 and click on all the wonderful ACEOs: http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=31415
This time, she included my Double Sweet Hearts, Red and Gold, ACEO
And stop by Miriam's shop or her There is a Place or Everything blog; she has terrific paintings and ACEOs. Be sure to check out the Valentine's ACEOs.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Visit My Art Gallery Treasury
Elizabeth Graf was kind enough to include my little Red Coral Zig Zag Fish ACEO in her recent treasury.
Take a look at the treasury quickly; it expires on January 8: http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=31365
And stop by Elizabeth's Etsy shop; she has really wonderful original oil paintings: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5629664
Posted by
5:18 PM
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Us by Us - Akron Society of Artists Paint Each Other
An Exhibit of Paintings & Drawings
January 4 - February 26, 2009
The Art Gallery of St. Paul's Episcopal Church
1361 W. Marke t St., Akron, OH 44313
OPENING RECEPTION: Sunday, January 11, 2009 11:00am - 2:00pm
WEEKLY HOURS: Free to all. Visitors welcome Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm. Weekends during activities.
Throughout the history of portraiture and figure painting, artists have often posed for their artist friends and/or the Master of the studio. In recent years, the members of the Akron Society of Artists have been posing for each other and serving to inspire one another with their varied personas. This exhibit is the culmination of that endeavor. Many of the "models" have chosen to pose as they appear when painting, complete with rags and brushes in hand, visors or hats that are worn when painting out of doors, or just pausing in front of the easel as they do when contemplating the next brushstroke. One charcoal drawing depicts one of the artists engaged in a non art-related hobby as he's perched on his multi-speed touring bike. Some of the country's notable portrait and figure painters are represented in this exhibit, including Tom Campbell, Judy Carducci, Shannon Casey, Judy Gaiser, Manna Huang, Mina Huang, Mitzi Lai, Carolyn Lewis, Jack Liberman, Dino Massaroni, Lin Anne Misja, C. K. Motter-Price, Diane Papay, Lynda Rimke, Debra Sepos, and Debra Thompson.
The Akron Society of Artists is a non-profit organization that originated in 1931. Its objective since then has been to advance the skill, knowledge, and appreciation of art among its members and the general public; encourage the advancement and understanding of art in the community; and afford financial assistance and encouragement to worthy art students. Visit the Akron Society of Artists online at http://www.akronsocietyofartists.com .
The Art Gallery of St. Paul's Statement of Purpose:
The Gallery of St. Paul's celebrates God's creativity by highlighting the special gifts and talents of artists, encourages art appreciation in our Parish community, and helps artists gain positive exposure.
Posted by
10:54 PM
Saturday, January 03, 2009
ACEO A Go Go! Treasury
Miriam of Juneblue has put together this cute treasury (love the name!) and was kind enough to include my little fishy!
Take a look quick before it expires on Jan. 5: http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=30622
And stop by Miriam's shop or her There is a Place or Everything blog; she has terrific paintings and ACEOs.
And take a closer look at the zig zag fish at http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=19090141
Posted by
11:21 AM
Friday, January 02, 2009
Word for 2009: Path
I've been following Christine Kane and her suggestions for choosing a word or theme for the year rather than making resolutions. It makes a lot of sense to me. I'm pretty good at sticking to resolutions. This is the first year I've not had to resolve to lose weight or exercise. Done. Check. (And, yes, that would be bragging.)
Besides, resolutions feel kind of scattered. Lots of little individual tasks, without an overlying theme. And that's been a problem.
As I've reflected on the past and planned for this year, I've realized that I've spent a lot of time drifting. Oh, I've been busy, don't get me wrong. I'm the Queen of Busy: always running, always hectic, always overwhelmed. But where has all that busy gotten me?
The image I get thinking about the past few years is that of a rowboat without oars being pushed along by the current, not controling its direction.
Hm...time to harness all that action. So, I thought about words like Action, Direction, Choice, Goals. All good words.
Action felt like what I was already doing: being busy but not necessarily focused.
Direction implied focus but not necessarily movement. (Knowing that you need to go north is great but you won't get there unless you move in that direction.)
Choice is one of my favorites. Everything is a choice. Even not deciding is a choice.
Goals seemed too much about the end result, not the journey.
I wasn't concerned about the dictionary definitions for the words but rather their connotations for me. After all, I'm the one who has to live with it for a year, or longer.
Then there's Path. Path rolls up all the elements I want. For me, path means choosing a direction and going forward. A path is about both the journey AND the destination. It has natural organic connotations. It's usually scenic. It's not a highway, might be unmarked, likely unpaved, could be highly traveled, or could be of my own making.
Paths also aren't hectic. It's ok to stroll along a path, take a break, or even sometimes wander off. But then you come back and keep going. You can't just quit mid-way along a path, now can you?
I live in an area with lots of parks and woods and spend time on the paths all year 'round. I'm fond of paths and feel connected to them. The idea of defining my path this year and heading out along it really appeals to me.
Being a visual person, I'm collecting images of paths and keeping them with me as reminders to stay on my path.
Keep in touch throughout the year and see what signposts I've reached along my path.
Posted by
12:04 PM
Pastel Spiral Painting, 5x7
This pretty little spiral painting is done on paper with colored pencils and acrylic paint. Then, it's mounted on canvas with those cute tiny paper spirals peeking out from under the edge. The whole is sealed with matte acrylic.
See more photos and details:
Posted by
11:22 AM
Labels: acrylic painting