Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Enjoying Art - Day 9

Art isn't only about the act of creation; it's also about the act of enjoying it. For me, and I think many artists, we have a need to show someone else what we've done and get their reactions. (I got a really awesome comment on my Day 1 post...check it out and see what I mean.)

I also think it's important to refill the well, recharge the batteries, you know. I can't go go go constantly; I need to stop to see (and hear) what others are doing. My art grows in response to other art.

So in the spirit of art appreciation, I'm off to a performance tonight. I'm going to hear the State Symphony Capella Chorus of Russia at E.J. Thomas Hall in Akron. Based on the description, it should be a fantastic performance, and probably unlike anything I've heard before.

What kinds of art do you enjoy? Have you taken time to appreciate any art lately?

Update: So much for good intentions. I met my friend (who'd invited me to the concert) for dinner beforehand. During dinner, she got a call from her son's wife saying she was taking him to the emergency room. The hospital was right down the street from the restaurant, so we quick paid our checks and met them at the ER. We sat there for a couple hours with him, waiting.

No news on his condition, but we're optimistic that he will be fine.


Diane M. McKnight, MA, LMSW, Art Therapist/Psychotherapist/Artist said...
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Diane M. McKnight, MA, LMSW, Art Therapist/Psychotherapist/Artist said...

Sorry to hear that your art appreciation night had to be cut short due to the ER. I hope your friend's son is okay. Well, at least you got dinner and a little social time with your friend, sometimes that feeds my soul too. Being a graduate student for 8 years now with almost 2 master's degrees I relish social events as nutrition for my impoverished soul. I hope you get to make another performance soon. Great post by the way!

lifeneedsart said...

Hi Diane,

Thanks for your comment. You make a good point about social time feeding your soul, too.
